Posts by Lorette 16
Hello I don't know why my website now disappeared completely from Serp checker. I am sure I am penalized for something and I don't know what.It would be really nice if some SEO expert takes a look on my website and see what I am doing wrong, because I don't really know what it is.Thank you and I'd really appreciate any help on this.Lorena.
June 03, 2012
Just wanted to share that I am very happy today, I searched my keywords and my website is on the top list. I can't believe it. The only bad thing is the text that appears on the searching is outdated, but it should be updated soon, I hope...
June 01, 2012
I would like to know if it is OK to change the default permalinks on posts and pages. Thank you!
May 31, 2012
Hello, I am using a prototype theme and on the bottom of each post it has the option of POST SEO and then below that I have the option for All in one SEO. My question is which one should I fill with the title,Meta description and keywords?Thank you very much in advance!Lorena.
I have a problem and I don't know how to fix it. Every post that I have on my webpage comes up with the word "tweet" on the beginning and I don't know where this came from and how to delete it. Anybody can help me with this please?My website is www.catfooddispensersreviews.allaboutmycat.comThank you!LorenaUPDATE: Problem solved. It was a plugin that i installed and was giving me a hard time. I deleted it and now that Tweet word is gone!!
Hello, I installed the all in one favicon and put the little icon in all the options but still doesn't show up on my website when I minimize it. It just appears on the top of the page.Does anybody know how to do this to make my icon appear on the minimized website?Thank you!
May 22, 2012
I am writing an article and I would like to know if is recommendable for SEO purposes to put a link on my article to conduce readers to a product reviews made for me. And put another link in the same article to conduce readers to another product reviews. I ask you this because with the new Penguin policies I dont know if this is right to do.  Thank you!
Hi, I am trying to access to my website and it's imposible. When I click this comes up: Oops! We ran into an error on our side. An email has been sent notifying us of this error and we will have a solution shortly. Please I need a solution since I can't get a support ticket because I can`t access to my website. Thank you Lorena.
I already installed Google Analytics on my domain. My question is: how do I install google analytics on my subdomain? I just copied the UA code from the main domain and paste it on my subdomain, is that correct? thank you!
Does Anybody know why when I type https:/// my webpage doesn't appear but when I type just the webpage it does come up? It is ok if this happen or I have to set up something else? I really appreciate your help!! Lorena.