My website disappeared from Serp checker

Last Update: June 05, 2012
Hello I don't know why my website now disappeared completely from Serp checker. I am sure I am penalized for something and I don't know what.
It would be really nice if some SEO expert takes a look on my website and see what I am doing wrong, because I don't really know what it is.

Thank you and I'd really appreciate any help on this.


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onlinewealth Premium
Labman was kind enough to post this on his blog July 10 under "Never a dull moment" They address this question at 7:50.
slayton1s Premium
Same thing happened to me recently. I get 1st page rankings then *poof*, it disappears never to be seen again. Something weird is going on with Google right now. I'm sure it'll rank here soon...again...because I re-checked my content & I believe it's ranked again now. I'd just worry about writing more content instead of Google. They have there own problems to deal with.
Lorette Premium
Thank you for te answer Seth!