I am happy today!

Last Update: June 03, 2012
Just wanted to share that I am very happy today, I searched my keywords and my website is on the top list. I can't believe it. The only bad thing is the text that appears on the searching is outdated, but it should be updated soon, I hope...
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veronica.l Premium
Awesome! Congrats, when you have done it ones you can do it again and again and... Great job!
kyle Premium Plus
Nice work and don't worry about the website text if you have updated it. When Google reindexes it will reflect your current page/post titles and content. Keep up the great work! :)
Lorette Premium
Thank you Kyle!
slayton1s Premium
Yeah, when you have blank pages it'll show the Social application as the Meta tag instead. It's annoying. The results show immediately however & will go up within overnight. I've tested it. I honestly have no idea how long it'll take to update itself for the meta tag or title.
slayton1s Premium
Btw, good job. :)
Lorette Premium
Most part of this is thanks to you Seth, I really appreciate your help!
Amy Farr Premium
Wow! Congrats!!!
Lorette Premium
Thank you Amy!
jchilders Premium
Great news! Just don't sit back now, keep working and growing your site. Congrats!
Lorette Premium
Thank you very much!