Ads on my article

Last Update: May 22, 2012
I am writing an article and I would like to know if is recommendable for SEO purposes to put a link on my article to conduce readers to a product reviews made for me. And put another link in the same article to conduce readers to another product reviews.

I ask you this because with the new Penguin policies I dont know if this is right to do. 

Thank you!
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suem Premium
If you were the reader would you want a link to both product reviews? The answer is probably yes if they are both relevant to the article
slayton1s Premium
To add to what I was saying, there is actually something you can do to increase optimization with Google. Towards the bottom of your post, you can link similar articles & pages you have on your blog. When you do this, you give them the ability to click on it and be redirected to another similar page topic and increase backlink juice greatly.
slayton1s Premium
Just link to things within your article & make it naturally flow. If you think it'll help your readers, go ahead and link it. Try not to worry about SEO so much in Google if you can. It'll all come naturally if you do it with the right frame of mind & continue to put in the work for it. Good luck Lorena.
Lorette Premium
Ok thank you Seth!