About domain name

Last Update: May 05, 2012

I am now buying a domain for my website. I have a question, I want to create my brand so should I put the name of the domain and then in the same name write "by Lorette" or I should just put the name of the domain and then on the webpage (on the logotype) to put "by Lorette"? what is the best way to make public see my name on the searching's results on google? Thank you very much!

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sherbet penny Premium
Any time, need any thing more hit me with it anytime
sherbet penny Premium
Just a little haha, I wouldn't put a nickname but keep the name of your site as professional as possible. If its a typev of news site, gossip site etc then Lorettes news or Lorettes gossip etc would be fine
Lorette Premium
Thank you sherbet!!!
Lorette Premium
hi sherbet, is a generic domain for a genetic multitopic website, I analize things under my perspective so that is why I don't know if I should put my nickname there or not. I want to build a brand with my nickname and with the domain's name so my question was if I should include my nickname on the domain's name. I hope I am not confusing lol
sherbet penny Premium
Hi Lorette, what thype of site are you building, I don't think you would have to put your nemae in the site, depends on what type of site it is?