Creating subdomains

Last Update: May 16, 2012
Hi everybody! I'm creating subdomain on my website and I would like to know if this name is better to put it with for example: or is better this way:

Just want to know that, thank you in advance!
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CTgreen Premium
As a general rule, never use dashes in a domain (or subdomain) unless the name of the actual product/business/word is hyphenated. And sometimes not even then.
slayton1s Premium
CTgreen, why do say it's important to not use -'s? -'s do not effect your optimization with Google while the only main contributing factor is the amount of information on each domain you have - which I've found doesn't matter to the point of not needing to worry about it. You can have whatever domain name you want, and still advertise something. I can understand the relevancy of your domain being important to your subject matter, but as long as it defines what your product is (with or without -'s), I really don't see why it would matter. I've found that add -'s to something, especially if it has 4 or more words, makes it easier to actually read what your domain says.

I think the important thing to make sure of is what you actually have on your website. If you have a website with awesome content, highly relevant & detailed information about various products, and other important information - I honestly don't think they're going to care whether you have a couple -'s in your domain name or not, especially only being your sub-domain and not your primary.
slayton1s Premium
CTgreen, if you backed up with what you were saying with reasons why one shouldn't use hyphens, perhaps then I might be able to follow. If you could elaborate, would appreciate it buddy.
mhamilt Premium is one of the best websites on the web for new digital camera reviews... and it's got hyphens :-)
I think the first example is better
IveTriedThat Premium
Non dashed domain names usually perform better.

May I ask why you're creating a subdomain and what you're planning on doing with it?