Setting up the website

Last Update: May 10, 2012
I was trying to install the plug in and I think I scrup up something because now I cannot acces to my webpage it says: Briefly unavailable for scheduled maintenance. Check back in a minute

I don't know how to fix this, who could help me please??
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slayton1s Premium
When a plugin is installing itself on your site you'll want to make sure you don't exit out or something while it's downloading onto your site or being deleted from it. This involves the actual coding of the website, and it's not fun messing with that type of stuff. Good luck.
Lorette Premium
I don't know if I won't have problems with that code since I can now open my webpage and I could install plugins but I don't really know if everything is OK. I hope so.
Labman_1 Premium
That usually happens when you start a plugin then click on something else while it is working. Glad you got it solved.
Sielke Premium
To add to what Craig said, when you're updating or installing a plugin, or updating Wordpress, your site goes into maintenance mode. If for some reason it does not finish then it never knows that you're out of maintenance mode. The problem is you don't know where it stopped so your database or site files may have issues. Usually though nothing major should happen and you can just retry.
Lorette Premium
Thanks, I am glad too!
Sielke Premium
look for a file called .maintenance in your root directory and delete it you'll want to backup your database and files and then repair your database just in case it became unstable while you the plugin was screwing around with your database.
Lorette Premium
Thank you very much Sielke, now I have acces to my website and I could install the plugins.