Zee Magazine Theme

Last Update: May 11, 2012
Is there anybody here that has used zee magazine theme on the website? I have some questions, I know how to create the menus, but this theme supports two lines of menus and I am trying to understand what is the kind of information or level I should put in each of these menus. Thank you!!

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slayton1s Premium
1 menu will normally let you have a parent page. The other menu just lets you put pages without any parent page. I use Zee a lot and I'm actually using a double menu one myself at http://seths-personal-internet-marketing-blog.slayton1s.com/street-article-reviews/ and others. Just create 2 menu's (Menu 1 then Menu 2) and attach them to each one. It's pretty easy once you understand it. But Zee is a great them so good choice. :) I know they've had some recent updates and they're a lot faster now for me anyway.
Lorette Premium
I loved this theme Seth, I picked this one following your advices :-) you have been pretty supporting with me and I really appreciate that. I will check your website out and see how you organized the menus so I can understand how it goes. Thanks a lot again!!
slayton1s Premium
You're welcome. If you need anything else, just leave me a message on my inbox. :) Various people will often tell you things on here differently, but I'll tell what you need to know anyway for doing what you need to do. Good luck.