Posts by Lou47 2
Her is my short contribution for today. How to get backlinks that Google likes and won't penalize you for?As some of you know, g oogle has been "unranking" those websites that have spam backlinks. At least that is what most "gurus" believe.If you have been in the first page of Google for some time and then found that after the Penguin or Panda update your site dissappeared from the search engines...welll this is considered one possible reason!The second reason, is putting up sites with jun
1 comment
July 29, 2012
Even though many are running away from google! I Believe this is the best time to go after Google since the competition is now lower with all the banned accounts. I know everyone is freaked out about Googles Monster Image...but still...they have most of the traffic and if you follow some simple rules you can capitulate on this traffic.There is a way of using bridge pages and affiliate links with Google. The clue with google is that the main page must be where you offer relevant ad info. From tha