About Lou47
Joined February 2009
HI ! My name is Louis. I'm in the alternative Medicine field and looking to build a secondary source of funds as a back up. Wish you all success and hope to read about all those successful stories.

Married with two girls.
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Shawn Martin Premium
Hi and thanks for the follow!
Lou47 Premium
A pleasure...success!

Lou47 Premium
Hi everyone! Sorry I have been inactive. But I need your help so I am posting. I need all of you t visit my site. I really need some input as to how to improve it. Please visit my site and give me all the recommendations you may have. I would really appreciate it.

Lou47 Premium
Been here for a few months. Experimenting with PPC--trick thing but starting to see some results.
Lou47 Premium
Hey folks..I've been doing some reading...so I want to share something I've learned that you probably know already. But this is something related to quality score I didn't know. When you place your next campaign don't put the minimum bid that you are planning to spend on a specific keyword. Let's say you are planning to pay .05 cents per click. It is recommended that you post $1 or more per click for a few minutes and then reduce the price to what you are really plan to pay for click. The reasoning behind this is that if google sees that you are paying very little per click it's because you don't think that the keyword will not perform. So google gives you a low quality score. Quality score will increase if you start with a high bid and then reduce it. Haven't tried it once and it seemed to work...would like you input on this.
Lou47 Premium
You just have to test. An example is on of my campaigns. I was getting sales and clicks. Like 2 sales a day or so. But when I turned on the content It went up to 5-8 sales. But again it really depends on the product.

Something carson and kyle recommend in their book Beating Adwords is that you should set your budget to 8-10x what google recomends but then watch it so it doesn't go over your budget. That way google will keep showing your ad and you can find out fast if you your product really sells.
Lou47 Premium
But again Jeffrey...I'm like you ..I'm not a guru. I'm just sharing what little I have learned.
jeffrey73 Premium
Hi Lou. It's great to affiliate here with you, I am pretty new myself. I look forward to getting to know you better.
jeffrey73 Premium
I've written a few articles at Squidoo and did my first Adwords campaign, but haven't made a sale yet. It's gonna take some time. I think the object is to get your ads and articles going VIRAL, then you'll make money. Have a good one, we'll talk again soon!
jeffrey73 Premium
Thanks man, that's some good info. to know! But are you referring to the Adwords campaign? Are you saying that the articles convert more traffic than the Google Ads themselves? This way, if there are few articles written in your niche you would have a better success rate using Adwords? That would make sense figuring that the front page listings probably get a higher CTR than a small ad on the side. Appreciate your help a lot bro! Thanks again. Unfortunately, I think there are too many articles written about Twitter, especially lately. Talk again soon!
jeffrey73 Premium
I had it on for about 2 days and didn't even know I was supposed to turn it off, until Carson told me to in a PM. LOL Regardless, it really didn't make much of a difference because I only received about 2 or 3 clicks anyway! I think I'll try it out in my next campaign, why do you have to watch it closely?
jeffrey73 Premium
Well, the product has a very high gravity rate. My daily budget is only $15.00/day. I searched Ezine Articles and there are TONS of articles using the keywords "Twitter Followers", this could either be a GOOD or BAD thing. I just noticed that my content network was turned "ON" and I had ten times as many impressions as my 1st campaign that was turned "OFF". Should I keep testing it with the CN turned "ON"? Could you take a look at the campaign and tell me what you think?
jeffrey73 Premium
When it was on, I had 52 impressions in the past 2 hours vs. 7 with the other campaign in 24 hrs. My only worry is, like you said, I may end up getting too many worthless clicks.
jeffrey73 Premium
5-8 sales a day? Wow! If I even got 1 sale in the next week I would be amazed! If you are making that many consistent sales each and every day you are either matching dollar for dollar with advertising, or you are quickly on your way to becoming a Guru and I'd like to know how you are doing it? What exactly do you promote?
jeffrey73 Premium
Thanks Lou, you too. Hopefully I can help you out as well sometime. The training and support system here really is great! Maybe I should purchase the Adwords accredited course? Sounds like it's really good, that's not surprising though.
Lou47 Premium
Hi Jeff. Thanks for your comment in my space. It's a pleasure to know you. Hope we can share some internet Marketing successes and failures in our road to financial freedom. I already have a good business in the health field but have too much debt and hoping to balance everything out with IM and hopefully much more. I get a lot of satisfaction doing my work but would like to be able to do it free of debt and stress. I believe that IM as shown in WA will give us that success we need to live stress and debt free. Hey , hope to hear more from you.
Take care!

Lou47 Premium
Hey Bro! So have you been doing online? Any success?
Have a good week!
Lou47 Premium
Hey Jeff. Look just one rec for the campaigns. I know they say that when you are starting you shouldn't use the content network. But I recommend if you feel confident you should try it. Sometimes you get most of your purchases here. The best way to know if you should use the content network is by going to ezine articles and typing in your nich to see if there are many articles on your niche. If the answer is yes...then you should test the content network. If no then you should probably leave it alone. I'm getting most of my sales from the content network. Ask around in the forum and see what others think. An example is Travis's Make up ebook (get your ex back--according to him--it is working in the content network.
Lou47 Premium
Actually I meant the opposite. If there are many articles on ezine articles written the more the adwords campaign would work IF YOU US THE CONTENT NETWORK.
Lou47 Premium
I mean articles written in your niche. Then you can test turning on the content network and see if it works for you. but you must watch it carefully.
Lou47 Premium
Oh yes.. that's fine for your article marketing. But as a guideline for using content netork on adwords usually ezine article directory is a guide that helps you decide if you should use the content network or not. Well that' s my take that I learned from a afilliate marketing "guru". And it has worked for me sometimes.
Lou47 Premium
You have to watch it because one or two things could happen:
1. Or it brings on a ton of sales or
2. it brings on so much worthless clicks that will use up your money.
Thats why many recommend turning it off. But as mentioned before...some campaigns sell more in the content and others don't. So it's something you can test if your campaign isn't working and you know that there are alot of content written about your niche.
But if it's just bringing on worthless clicks--and you leave it on all night---you can wake up with a big bill from google depending on your daily budget.
Lou47 Premium
If I were you I would. I would. But sometimes google won't show you ads as much because you budget is low and it spreads it out for the day. So you won't have a lot of impressions.
Lou47 Premium
You just have to test. An example is on of my campaigns. I was getting sales and clicks. Like 2 sales a day or so. But when I turned on the content It went up to 5-8 sales. But again it really depends on the product.

Something carson and kyle recommend in their book Beating Adwords is that you should set your budget to 8-10x what google recomends but then watch it so it doesn't go over your budget. That way google will keep showing your ad and you can find out fast if you your product really sells. read less
Lou47 Premium
Well My niche I don't want to reveal but what I have been telling you is what I have been doing.
I put as my budget 1000 daily!! haha. OF course don't worry I'm not spending that amount. I'm only spending 25-30 dollars a day. But Google keeps showing my ad because of the budget. Of course I have to watch and make sure I dont' go over my budget limit. At least that is one big tip I learned when I read Beating Adwords which is offered as part of the ppc accredited course offered here. That ebook is a blast.
Lou47 Premium
Well hope we can continue to talk in another time! Take care Jeff and I wish you a ton of success. I really don't know much but what ever I can share I am there to help. Have a good evening.
Lou47 Premium
Hey Jeff whats cookin! How is your internet marketing adventure going? Hope all is well. Louis
Kirst Premium
heelloooo Louis!
alternative medicine - ah just up my street.
I am studying nutrition and loving it.
Where are you from?
Welcome to WA
This is AN AWESOME place to be
Hope you are finding your way around
The HELP button on the left in the BLUE menu bar is especially for getting definitions of new lingo
The MY SHARE has some brilliant tutorials so you wont have to go searching around for HELP beyond WA.
Check out the sticky post in the forum in GENERAL MARKETING SECTION, titled New Members FAQs - its the best post and soo hopeful for as you go along. It will answer MANY questions before you have to ask them on the forum
To reply to any space comment, just click the persons picture. (that took me a while to figure out!)
If you get lost in the 8 week program - never mind - we all do! But stick with it!
all the best and have fun
Kirst Premium
Thats the SHARE ZONE at the top of the page!
I do article marketing.
need the capital before I venture out into PPC!
Kirst Premium
You're NOT dumb . its easy to miss little things that ARE SO HELPFUL in WA because SO MUCH IS SO HELPFUL.
just keep digging and when you run out of stuff to do KEEP DIGGING MORE...
cheers and will be just the other end of an email when you need HELP!
Lou47 Premium
Thank you Kirst. Sounds like an interesting life you live. Sorry I'm dumb but still looking for that share button you mentioned.haha. Well I wish you success. What method of marketing are you using. Any tips will be appreciated.

Lou47 Premium
Thanks Kirst for the help. How dumb of me for not seeing that. Well...wish you success!