PPC Blog

Last Update: July 29, 2012
Even though many are running away from google! I Believe this is the best time to go after Google since the competition is now lower with all the banned accounts. I know everyone is freaked out about Googles Monster Image...but still...they have most of the traffic and if you follow some simple rules you can capitulate on this traffic.

There is a way of using bridge pages and affiliate links with Google. The clue with google is that the main page must be where you offer relevant ad info. From that page is where you link....not to an affiliate site but another page on "YOUR" same webpage. And maybe even a third and fourth page. You can then use affiliate links (cloaked of course) to drive traffic to the the affiliate offer.

The format should be like this:

Main Relevant Page ------>link to second Relevant page------> Optin------>Offer page------> and then -------> affiliate link to offer------> Money

You can skip the optin page if desired.
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Shawn Martin Premium
Interesting. Thanks for the tip!
morlandroger Premium
So If I understand right your home page (or blog if that is the front page) should not carry any affiliate links at all?
Lou47 Premium
Exactly! If you are using Google Adwords....you are correct. If you are using any other traffic method and are not planning on using Adwords...well then you can ignore it!
DABK Premium
A good idea. Of course, you better have good content to make them click on so many pages.
Lou47 Premium
Definitely, good content is the clue! Google looks for good content othewise as you know....you DEAD!
The clue is to not include any affiliate links in the first major page. If you do, then google will consider your page as a "Bridge page' and will ban you.

So these Google Sniper sites....won't work with Google unless...the format is changed as described above!