Panda and Penguin Proof Backlinks: How to get them

Last Update: July 31, 2012
Her is my short contribution for today. How to get backlinks that Google likes and won't penalize you for?

As some of you know, g oogle has been "unranking" those websites that have spam backlinks. At least that is what most "gurus" believe.

If you have been in the first page of Google for some time and then found that after the Penguin or Panda update your site dissappeared from the search engines...welll this is considered one possible reason!

The second reason, is putting up sites with junk content. If you want to be Penguin or Panda proof, your sites must have:

1) 100% Unique Content ( I know there is a fight about this ....some say no and others yes but I believe it is Crucial!
2) No Junk rewritten content- unless it's quality and passes copyscape 100%
3) No Spam backlinks - the days of spamming your sites with junk backlinks to get ranking are OVER!
4) Don't overdue the backlinks - be conservative

If you want to be in the online marketing for the long run....these three points are important.

How to get Google Proof Backlinks

So where can you get these backlinks with very little effort on your part?

If your like me, you don't have time to full around. But if you want to work and can't spend any money well there is a manual way of doing this also.

You get these Backlinks with Press Releases.
A press release is when you are telling the world (internet) that you are providing a new service or product or website and you want the world to know.

To make this short this is what you have to do:

1) Go to
2) They will not only write your press release but will also distribute it to the major sites.
3) They will ask you for some basic information and you have to refer them to your site and tell them what you are offering.

Every site they distribute to leaves a "Backlink" to your site.

These are usually High page rank and authority sites that Google respects(don't know if there is anyone that Google respects)

Anyway, that is it.

Wish you success!

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Shawn Martin Premium
Thanks for the tip!