Posts by Marekov 11
April 18, 2011
This is incredible.  For those who don't know me very well, I joined WA in late October while in the thick of a demanding grad school program.  I had known about WA for about 3 or 4 years and finally decided to give it a shot and soon  I was working through the Step-by-Step Action plan, the article marketing club and  reading a plethora of WA's eBooks and resources at my leisure.  This stuff works!  And I finally have my first sale to prove it! I want to share this
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January 04, 2011
First off, I have to apologize for the gap between posts.  The holidays brought a slough of challenges, school work and plenty of other obligations that hindered my correspondence with the WA family for nearly a month.  Thankfully, it hasn't hindered my productivity. When I joined WA, it was a conscious decision to embrace the prospect of financial freedom from an early age.  While this motivator is still clear in my head, I have grown so fond of the kind of lifestyle that intern
It's still very early in my IM career but the strides I'm taking are all thanks to the incredible support here in the WA community. My STF marketing campaign got a big jolt today after some of my articles were published.  This batch of articles was written after reading two specific tutorials that I recommend everyone check out if you haven't already, or if you're looking to improve your article content/style. Just search 'Article Domination' and 'Laws of Article Marketing.'  Both of t
I've officially hit one month here at WA and I thought I'd use this blog to reflect on everything I've learned. The first thing I have to say, as I've said in various other posts, is that the community and support of my fellow members has been invaluable.  I'm indebted to everyone who has provided tutorials on virtually every area of study in this vast world of internet marketing. So thanks for all the knowledge you have bestowed and will continue to provide to me. Secondly, membership her
November 15, 2010
Spent most of the day writing articles and building landing pages.  Still feeling great about my progress and ready to take on Lesson 6 of the Action Plan -still following every item on the checklist, still making it all work out.  The next breakthrough will probably be achieving Platinum status at Ezine, at which point I'm told the articles get publish faster.  Until then I'll keep on with the research, writing, and webdesign pattern that I've been following for most of the we
November 08, 2010
Today I unofficially started my first campaign!  I took on the STF affiliate program and created my first web page -a landing page with a web form- from scratch using Dreamweaver.. I still highly recommend that program.   I wrote an article and sent it off for publishing at squidoo and ezine, hopefully they both start generating some traffic, though I'm well aware that I'll be needing more than just a single article to really get things going.  Still, small victories are par
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November 02, 2010
Everything is really coming together.  I have the day off tomorrow so I'm really gonna dive into Lesson 4 of the action plan.  Right now I'm feeling great about everything, just saw Jay's great video about how to find relevant keywords on WA and I'm pumped. This is such a great community, it helps you to get motivated and understand that everyone is capable of making their goals achievable. I'm completely on pace with mine thanks to the support and tools offered here at WA.  Ho
October 31, 2010
My one week anniversary at Wealthy Affiliate. It's amazing how much I've learned in such a short time.  I'm most impressed with how specific niches can be and how much of an audience is really out there for this line of work.  My website is down right now as I switch back from my linker page but as soon as it's back up I'm gonna start using the research I've been doing to work towards my first campaign.  Today was great for learning.  I opened accounts with Clickbank and Awe
October 27, 2010
Finally got a website up through WordpressExpress.  I had to play around a bit so that my blog is now my homepage, hopefully that won't hurt me down the road.  I read a great Newbie Jumpstart Guide ( and applied what it said.  My only concern is that forwarding my domain will render the work I've done on my site useless, I guess we'll see once it starts to take effect. I started Lesson three of the Action Plan today, going to go
October 26, 2010
In the downtime between lessons in the action plan I've been learning a lot about site creation through dreamweaver, it's really a great site to create simple and content-rich websites.  Gotta thank my girlfriend for all her help.  I was able to put a blog online through the wordpress tool on the website though I'm still unsure of how to access and customize it.  Additionally, I'm finding the FTP client on dreamweaver to be a bit challenging when it comes to throwing content onto
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