Sale! Thank You!

Last Update: April 18, 2011

This is incredible.  For those who don't know me very well, I joined WA in late October while in the thick of a demanding grad school program.  I had known about WA for about 3 or 4 years and finally decided to give it a shot and soon  I was working through the Step-by-Step Action plan, the article marketing club and  reading a plethora of WA's eBooks and resources at my leisure.  This stuff works!  And I finally have my first sale to prove it!

I want to share this with the WA community particularly because my story is one that I'm sure tons of people have: most of us lead busy lives during the day and come home tired and ready to crash.  This was me; the last 5 years were packed with homework and other scholastic obligations -I had just finished an internship that was an hour and a half away.  It wasn't uncommon for me to spend 12+ hours out of the house and away from my business, and yes, most days I wanted to come home and crash.  But I learned something incredibly valuable that I think everyone here already knows: you can't have excuses.  

 I went a different route than a common WA member may have gone; I developed my own website and brand from the beginning and learned html coding through dreamweaver, but all of my marketing direction came from the good people here at WA. I can't thank this community enough for teaching me from the ground up.  The formula works, you really do need everything in the mix: a killer article, landing page, free offer, mailing list and of course, a great product. I could not have done this with the outstanding instruction and support of an awesome community.



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Jamie Smith Premium
Props for all your hard work, it is great to have you in the WA family!