Day 7

Last Update: October 31, 2010

My one week anniversary at Wealthy Affiliate.
It's amazing how much I've learned in such a short time.  I'm most impressed with how specific niches can be and how much of an audience is really out there for this line of work.  My website is down right now as I switch back from my linker page but as soon as it's back up I'm gonna start using the research I've been doing to work towards my first campaign. 

Today was great for learning.  I opened accounts with Clickbank and Aweber and formed my first list for the MadMarketingMethod course. In the coming days I want to learn more about keywords and article marketing so that I can get a campaign up and running as soon as possible.  

I can't say enough about the resources and support here in this community.  It really feels like everybody is behind each other in everyone's marketing pursuits.  So excited to get this stuff going.


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