Article Views Increased 50% in One Day

Last Update: December 01, 2010

It's still very early in my IM career but the strides I'm taking are all thanks to the incredible support here in the WA community.

My STF marketing campaign got a big jolt today after some of my articles were published.  This batch of articles was written after reading two specific tutorials that I recommend everyone check out if you haven't already, or if you're looking to improve your article content/style.

Just search 'Article Domination' and 'Laws of Article Marketing.'  Both of these e-books changed the way I write my articles for the better - the two articles that have been published since using this resources have boosted my total article views by a factor of 50%.  

Despite this incredible news, my click rate remains less than ideal.  My next steps in terms of article writing is working to find the most appropriate places for links to my landing pages and finding the best content possible.

Next, I want to develop the homepage of my weight loss website to set up a funnel and build up a list of potential buyers.  Still waiting on that first sale, but lots to be happy about today.


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marekov Premium
update: my total views have more than doubled in less than 48 hours! amazing.
jatdebeaune Premium
You're doing great!
Hazie Premium
Congratulations! You're moving. Thanks for the suggestions
prinker Premium
That's great! I'm going to check out Article Domination and Laws of Article Marketing.