Posts by Mathea 3
Ok, I got my first couple of street articles published based on some keywords.  I thought 400 words would be hard, but I didn't even break a sweat.  I am looking forward to the day when I can knock out several articles in an hour, because that is what I have every night to work on this project.  But, the only way I will learn is through doing, right?   Also, I am looking forward to earning status in street articles as an author.  I also published another article related
Last night I spent some time doing the list of key words and phrases for my niche site.  I am not sure I chose the correct keyword, because I chose info related to migraines and it just doesn't feel like a buying word.  But, I am very  interested in migraines (being a sufferer myself) so I am going to go with it and think that probably some natural cures and Ad sense might work out. I think it had pretty good adsense $$.  At the very least, I will learn a lot. I also read Po
March 10, 2011
Just a few days into the 30 Days to Success Program and although I have had several websites in the past this program makes me feel that I am getting somewhere.  I chose a niche and although I am not sure how I will monetize it, I figure that is somewhere in the plan. Thanks for helping me out, WA.  You are less expensive than I thought and with the free webhosting your value is extensive!    I will keep you up to date on my success, so far I am on day 3 and I plan to see the