Day 5 of the 30 Day Challenge

Last Update: March 11, 2011

Ok, I got my first couple of street articles published based on some keywords.  I thought 400 words would be hard, but I didn't even break a sweat.  I am looking forward to the day when I can knock out several articles in an hour, because that is what I have every night to work on this project.  But, the only way I will learn is through doing, right?  

Also, I am looking forward to earning status in street articles as an author.  I also published another article related to my other site because I have read about how everyone says it is working great to make it the first few pages of google for keywords.  Here's to day 5!

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April2012 Premium
Your progress through the 30 Day Challenge is great to read. Keep up the good work! I'm currently on Day 3, but doing some of the more extensive keyword research for Day 4. Looking forward to getting Day 5!
wandah Premium
Hey way to go on your article writing. The keyword research tool is next to none for awesome.
I am finding the rapid writer another helpful tool to test keyword density in my articles.
Have a great week end.