The 30 Day Challenge

Last Update: March 10, 2011

Just a few days into the 30 Days to Success Program and although I have had several websites in the past this program makes me feel that I am getting somewhere.  I chose a niche and although I am not sure how I will monetize it, I figure that is somewhere in the plan.

Thanks for helping me out, WA.  You are less expensive than I thought and with the free webhosting your value is extensive!  

 I will keep you up to date on my success, so far I am on day 3 and I plan to see the month through and then start on another site after that when this one is fully functional. 

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wandah Premium
You have come to the right place . I am new to hear also. But find it amazing how they have brought the whole system of IM together in one place . It is certainly fine tuning the previous experience I have had. I am sure you will find the success you are looking for here.
Mathea Premium
Thanks, that's quicker than I thought!
Labman_1 Premium
Monetizing is day 7