Day 4 of my 30 Day Challenge

Last Update: March 11, 2011

Last night I spent some time doing the list of key words and phrases for my niche site.  I am not sure I chose the correct keyword, because I chose info related to migraines and it just doesn't feel like a buying word.  But, I am very  interested in migraines (being a sufferer myself) so I am going to go with it and think that probably some natural cures and Ad sense might work out. I think it had pretty good adsense $$.  At the very least, I will learn a lot.

I also read Pot Pie Girl's bonus article on Mini Sites - wowza!  Thanks for always exceeding my expectations.  

Today is my last day at my job I have had for the last 4 years, and I am a little sad.  I have traveled extensively along the gulf coast and installed room service for Sodexo.  Now, because my kids are young, I want to be home more so I took a great job working in town as a registered dietitian.  I can't help but look forward to it as my kids are excited so much it's hard to believe.   As I look at my 2 year plan, this experience at WA will be my lynchpin to change my source of income and not have to worry about going to my day job.


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