About Mavsfan
Joined February 2008
OK so I am back! When I originally joined WA I admit I did not give it much, if any, effort. I found the training a little overwhelming because I was trying to absorb everything at once. This time I am focusing on one aspect at a time. I will be starting off with Article Marketing and pretty much ignoring everything else for the time being. To say I am a little nervous is an understatement, so I will be taking advantage of the forum and fishing for advice -- be ready!

I have read through the tutorial on Article Marketing and found it very informative. I am excited to put this into practice - so here goes......
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Frets Premium
Hi ... came across your post in the forum indicating your inclusion in the Article Club, so since I too am in the club, thought I'd sent a buddy-vite ... also noticed the mavsfan monniker ... Dallas Mavs? Cool ... I'm in Carrollton. Anyway ... good luck to ya!
mavsfan Premium
Hi Frets - Yes, Dallas Mavs (not sure if that's a good thing or not....). I am excited about the Article Club and have just got today's "assignments" done. Good luck to you and I look forward to talking to you more as we move forward.

cashflow+ Premium
You were confused about how to get your domain name onto WA web hosting. and that now your crystal clear on that aspect. What did you learn? Will you please lead me to that information. I,m stuck at that very place and would appreciate any information you have to share. Thank You.
Garage667 Premium
Hey there!Thank you so much for commenting in my blog post!I wish you the best of luck!
mavsfan Premium
Thank you, Pixote. There is actually the second half of the pair on the right, but unfortunately he was cut out of the picture - poor guy...lol. I will definitely pick your brains if I have questions.
Jamie Smith Premium
Welcome to the WA family