Sick of the Hamster Wheel....

Last Update: June 03, 2010

For as far back as I can remember I have always wanted to be my own boss.  Although I have had a mountain of ideas, unfortunately I never had the money to see them through.  Consequently I was an active participant in the "rat race."  Funny though, I could never seem to win that race!  From Monday through Friday  my life was a daily cycle of getting myself and my children ready in a mad dash every morning, driving 30 minutes to work (coffee in hand of course), working 8-9 hours to line someone else's pockets, driving 30 minutes home, doing household chores and finally flopping down on the couch for an hour before falling, exhausted, into bed - just to start it all again the next day.  I truly felt like that hamster stuck in the wheel.

 Then it all changed!  As a result of a couple of family emergencies and a very unsympathetic boss, I walked out on my job.  Yes - I said it, I walked out on my job.  Pretty stupid thing to do in today's economy.  Now what?  It is next to impossible to find another job right now, especially when I live in a small rural community about 36 miles from the nearest city.  As I found out the hard way, most employers will hire people that live locally rather than out of town, especially here in Iowa where the winters can be pretty harsh.  I decided there is no time like the present to start realizing my own boss and work from home.  I searched the internet, only to be inundated with emails offering my thousands of dollars a day for only a few minutes work.  I may be silly enough to walk out on my job, but even I am not that gullible.  Then I found Wealthy Affiliate University.  Sure, I researched the heck out of it (even had my husband research it and he is in law enforcement).  Once he gave me the go-ahead, I was off to the races.  I absolutely love the comprehensive training program here and I know that with a little hard work WA will turn even me into a successful Affiliate Marketer.

 I have been here about a month and I am amazed at what I have learned so far.  Sure, there have been frustrations along the way, but I absolutely WILL NOT give up.  I know I will be successful.  Thank you WA!

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