
Last Update: May 22, 2010

You know, when I started back with WA three weeks ago, I disciplined myself to set my hours and days that I would work.  I decided that I would work from 10am to 2pm Monday through Friday and actually got myself ready as if I was actually leaving for the office.  TV was off and I would be at my desk working hard at those times.  I found that I was able to focus and get so much work done.  Unfortunately, what has happened over the last few days is that I have become "addicted" to both the learning and to writing articles.  This last week I have been logging in before 8am (as soon as I got the kids off to school) and working until my fingers ache (usually about 4 or 5 in the afternoon).  Here it is, Saturday morning - should be my day off - yeah right!!  I have already been researching, checking EzineArticles and Squidoo, and now I am ready to do another article.   Hmmmm - this could get ridiculous - but I LOVE it!  To everyone who is just starting - trust me, the more knowledge you get, the more you want!  This is truly an amazing venture!

 Mavsfan (Nikki)

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DABK Premium
Welcome to my world.
Louise M. Premium
That's great! That's how it should always be! Not stressful but fun, inspiring, exciting! :)
jatdebeaune Premium
Yes, I agree. Addictive fun.