Posts by Mavsfan 3
For as far back as I can remember I have always wanted to be my own boss.  Although I have had a mountain of ideas, unfortunately I never had the money to see them through.  Consequently I was an active participant in the "rat race."  Funny though, I could never seem to win that race!  From Monday through Friday  my life was a daily cycle of getting myself and my children ready in a mad dash every morning, driving 30 minutes to work (coffee in hand of course),
May 22, 2010
You know, when I started back with WA three weeks ago, I disciplined myself to set my hours and days that I would work.  I decided that I would work from 10am to 2pm Monday through Friday and actually got myself ready as if I was actually leaving for the office.  TV was off and I would be at my desk working hard at those times.  I found that I was able to focus and get so much work done.  Unfortunately, what has happened over the last few days is that I have become "addi
May 17, 2010
I am actually getting more and more excited about this.  The more I get into it, the more it is all pulling together.  Just about got my first article written and will be putting it on a Squidoo lens.  Of course I do understand that it will more than likely need some "tweeking" and I am prepared for that.  Like I said, though, everything is starting to make sense now!!
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