A Few Thing's You Should't Do If You Want To Nail It Online

Last Update: April 04, 2012

It seems like anything is possible when you realise for the first time that making money and nailing it online is with your reach doesn't it? 

I remember back at the start of this great journey I've been on. Shouting from the roof tops "well actually it was from under the covers of my bed" that I'd earned my first $500+ within the first 8 weeks of going through the wealthy affiliate training program..

I just couldn't stop grinning (that link is to the WA forum post I made)  

I was on cloud 9 for weeks and shoved WAU down the throat of everyone I met. Needles to say I had more than one buddy tell me to shut up already about affiliate marketing down the pub!

THAT...with hind site I would have done a bit differently, as in, I wouldn't have 'shouted out loud' but I would have certainly let 'em catch a glimpse of me checking my clickbank account, or made sure that I paid my CB cheques in whilst we were in town together,  Why? .. because my buddies are cash orientated

And why am I telling you this, well, as the title hint's there are certain things that you shouldn't do when you first start on your own affiliate venture. Now you may disagree with some of them but for me they were mistakes that cost me time, and more importantly definitely cost me money in one shape or form.

If you are up for  quick read of 7 things that you shouldn't do Click!

Cheers Tony.B aka Mission0ps your affiliate buddy :) 

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Praise Premium
You offer sound advise with your 7 tips. My favorite one is the last one - don't give up!
mission0ps Premium
Hey only just seen this( my bad) and I really appreciate you dropping by and commenting .. Cheers :)
kyle Premium Plus
Sound advice, your 7 tips are great. Most people look at this the wrong way and I think that is the big reason they don't succeed. This is not a business scheme, this is a business. Treat it like one and the rewards will follow.
mission0ps Premium
Cheers Kyle, I must admit that the day I started t focus on it as a real business things started to happen, in a good way :)