Building Online Property Because!

Last Update: June 23, 2012
Hi peeps I know that there is all the chat about creating sites you are passionate about and have knowledge in etc. So why is it that I keep creating sites that I have no knowledge in at all?

Answer: They are popular search terms .... plus I'm kinda addicted to building weblogs! (I just like to be different it's still just a blog)

I build I do a little SEO and then I drive traffic, depending on "how interested" I am I may spend 1 month to 3 or 4 months focused on that site. until I see sales coming in. It can be a trickle, I don't really mind, as long as it's sales.

Then I just rinse and repeat!

AppSiteCentral - my latest flight of fancy. You may have seen me install wordpress for it last week.

ave a peep and let me know what you think pleeez

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veronica.l Premium
Nice looking site, I really like the layout and easy overlook, great job!!
mission0ps Premium
Cheers V and you'd never believe how easy it was to throw up
Shawn Martin Premium
Thanks, I love the sharing of success here.
Stilltrying Premium
Thankyou for sharing this. It might be a great idea for me. I am kind of fed up with being in the same niche and wouldn't mind changing every now and then, This might be what I need.
mission0ps Premium
YVW "Still Trying" .. you'll have to change that handle soon to keep going :)