PLR Maverick - That name kinda suits me

Last Update: June 28, 2012
Yeah I see you nodding your head :) Yep I'm a maverick for sure...

I don't like to follow and I am more than comfortable walking my own path. I progress using what I learn along the way and adapting it, cognitive learning it's called.

That doesn't mean that I don't take direction, not at all quite the opposite. I'm always on the lookout for new methods, ideas and trainng, however I like to look at both sides of the coin.

So The Title PLR Maverick!

I had a giggle the other day when I received an email with Tiffany Dow ranting and raving about PLR & how Kyle had written about how crap using PLR was ... then she hit back with why do you have PLR for your members niches lol I had to laugh ...

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klrrider Premium
I personally think PLR is what ever you make it. If you just post it your screwed... if you spin it your still.... you know... its pointless... If you go through all the problems of an effective spin you will spend more time than if you wrote something original. Do the research and learn your topic and forget PLR. As far as the comments on the above page link... they are biased since the author is selling PLR stuff.
mission0ps Premium
Completely agree that PLR is exactly what you make of it. Spinning well I'd only spin my own content anyway as spinning PLR as you say is a total waste of time, just too much out there.

And yep you are always going to get a bias opinion depending on where you place your comments ;) I can guarantee 98% who dare say anything here will just back up what Kyle writes.
kyle Premium Plus
That is not what I want. I want you people to have different opinions, but opinions should have some basis. I have given many basis points on why I think that most people should steer away from PLR on several occassions, including within the article I had posted on Street Articles.

Perhaps you could outline the pro's for everyone here. That would be very helpful to those that are considering using PLR within their campaigns. Two sides to every technique is always good and I would never argue that, as long as they can be quantified.
mission0ps Premium
I was just thinking KLR-Rider that when I first joined you put out a really helpful series of tutorials cheers for all that work back then .... Lots of it stuck.
kyle Premium Plus
She quoted something we were advocating in 2007, when PLR had some potential in the search engines Tony. The idea of PLR is ridiculous and I will stand behind what I say.
klrrider Premium
To Kyle... NichQ was a good idea at the time but if it is pointless now you should take the pages down. This will render the "complainer's" links broken. Redirect to your homepage and snag some of their readers! lol
kyle Premium Plus
Good point... it is such low priority touching that site in general, but something we will get to.

"Closed to fact that PLR is DEAD!"
mission0ps Premium
OK I hear you but ... What if a PLR pack is released I re-write it what then? And you bet I have examples :) is PLR I;ve re-written
kyle Premium Plus
The reason that article is difficult to read is because it is a rewrite. I found it very choppy in nature, the "meat" of the article (the concepts) were good, however it is far more difficult to rewrite content to make it sound good than it is to write your own.

Remember, we are writing for readers, not rankings. That is where most people get lost in the process. If someone doesn't read your article, you don't get click-throughs. I am assuming that this would get a CTR lower than 5% because you are likely getting leak from the traffic that comes to this particular article.

And why would you pay to get content you would rewrite, why wouldn't you utilize one of the billions of pages of content already out there and use that as inspiration for your writing or if you are paying, why wouldn't you pay to outsource unique content?
mission0ps Premium
The reason I buy PLR at $1 a pack from Tiff is because I can quickly pull up a resource on a subject and brush up on a few things I may not have known. Her articles are well written and researched, so add my own wording works for me and saves a bunch of time scouring the . "billions of pages" out there

PS: CTR on that article is only 2.17 so point taken there . I'll look at amending that article to better fir the title .. wouldn't have thought of that without this banter ,,, cheers ;) I'll bee am mending a few
kyle Premium Plus
That is what Google search is for Tony. Give me a topic and I will show you how to research it. Rewriting articles is probably the most difficult thing you can do...they never sound good and the process is far more frustrating than writing an article from scratch.

Anything over 10% dupe is also going to hurt you, so rewriting an matter how well you think it is done, could essentially be lost productivity. If you are paying $1 for ideas, you can pay me and I will give you endless amounts LOL