Pinterest We Love You

Last Update: June 23, 2012
Seems like google is having a proper laugh at the moment and I am just sticking to my SEO guns and we'll see how it all plays out!.

I just added a post to one of my rather lucrative mainly amazon driven weblogs and noticed that it had slipped off the front page to page 3 for the main keyword.

Yet my Pinterest board on the same topic shows on the first page of google results for a shorter version of the KW... Crazy but cool eh!

So what does this tell me about Pinning?
  • Keep using Pinterest and test it over my other niches
  • Ensure I edit my Pinterest links to point to where I want them to go
  • Keep SEO'ing my Pin titles
  • Engage with other Pinterest Users on their blogs
  • Create Original Images for Pins
  • Curate awesome pics & Video for pins
  • Add a blog post about how to use Pinterest on my relevant blogs
  • .. Oh and Pinterest Works pretty Well for SEO!

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kyle Premium Plus
Great to hear Tony! Pinterest should be part of your share "regime" that you do with all of your content because as you mention it can now lead to some rankings as well in addition to reach, repinning, and SEO to your actual site.
mission0ps Premium
I'm certainly going to monitor it in the near future and see what sticks in the SERPs
veronica.l Premium
Nice, yes love pinterest!
Shawn Martin Premium
I love the service!
BIS Premium
Yes - I'm a lover of pinterest too - it's great
Stacydee Premium
Yes, absolutely...Pinterest rocks!!