The Art Of Image SEO

Last Update: August 01, 2012
One of the things people don’t really think about when doing search engine optimization is the fact that there is a hell of a lot of growth potential when looking at image SEO. Google and all the other search providers have entire sections of their business models dedicated to searching for images and this can bring you the life blood of traffic to your website or blog.

If you search Google for "Open Education Project" then hit the images tab at the top of the page you just may see my mug! ... Again!

However, because all the talk is about tags, links and unique optimized content, we forget that we could be getting targeted traffic just by having good, high quality relevant images on the page. The issue for many sites—bloggers in particular—is actually finding the right image! There are the free ways like the ones I'v listed on my blog...or you can create create your own or buy quality stock photo's them implement what I jabber on about on my blog!

If you read it and like it do leave a comment .. plzz either way do consider Image SEO!
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kyle Premium Plus
Tonny sfasdfasdf
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Shawn Martin Premium
Thanks for the info!
mission0ps Premium
All good Shawn ;)
I LIKE it Very Much....Good info and something I need to start doing more. Thank you.
mission0ps Premium
Cheers glad you found it useful :-)