Just Me Getting Cheesed About Grammar?

Last Update: April 15, 2012

I've never heard so much fuss in one forum about grammar. Some geezer blogged about his" fist full of cash" and nowhere to spend it, because the websites weren't up to scratch, I supposed he ended up down the high street then!

I've had it with having to correct my grammar :p it may be important to you, but it's the overall message that I reading. I suppose it's got something to do with the fact that I wouldn't know good grammar if it smacked me in the face!

Why am I like, education, location, lazy!?

But does that make me "as a buyer" change my direction? Hell no it lets me know that the person who wrote the review or article is as human as the rest of us.

What a crazy view, am I naive or just looking for an fight :o) 

Anyone that reads my blogs know's that I'm absolutely crap when it comes to grammar and spelling. I reckon if I ever wrote a grammatically perfect article my readers may think I've been abducted! 

End of poke/rant I'll try to be better ... Honest :) 


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mhamilt Premium
Sales pages that haven't been proof read annoy the heck out of me. I once found one, took a screenshot of the whole thing and circled all the spelling and grammar errors. He told me he was 'surprised' because he'd proof read it 'many' times.

Needless to say I did not promote the product because I worried how many mistakes the book he was selling would have. And when I checked back in a month the errors were still on the sales page. :-( Mark.
mission0ps Premium
Hi Mark,
Sales pages that have errors are just a joke, It cost so little to have it professionally proof read that I can't understand why that dodo didn't have it done!

cheers for sharing :)
IveTriedThat Premium
If there are two sites selling the exact same product and one is full of grammatical and spelling errors and the other looks like the owner took the time to read over and proofread his/her work, I'm going with the grammatically correct one, every time.
mission0ps Premium
Standard me too ITT & please to meet you Steve ;)
keithinohio Premium
I read the blog that you are talking about, and I tend to agree with the author of that blog. He mentioned in his blog that it only takes someone two seconds to hit the back button to go back to Google. There are, however, different styles of writing/talking, and you do have to know your audience, and how to speak to them, which I assume you do. I don't believe that you or the other blogger is "wrong," I guess its just different strokes for different folks...
mission0ps Premium
Cheers for dropping by Keith,
I may not be a picky as the geezer that wrote the blog post, but I must say I totally get where he is coming from. On the other hand I really do write in a style that is relaxed and often incorporates slang.

As you say it's about the audience and their perception of the writer. I think mine know I'm a bit of a geezer :)

Thanks again Mr Ohio
Behealthy Premium
I hear ya! There are some folks, that are sticklers for doing something correctly and reading an entry with bad wording and sentence structure just makes it seem the person didn't care and it really winds them up. I'm not the best at writing either but I understand that when I write an article for my website, it's not for my benefit because I'm not the visitor. I think individuality and a relaxed typing style is better for informal presences. I think you are fine as long as you don't write in "phone text" or "internet lingo". :)
mission0ps Premium
200% in your camp BeHealthy.. PS CHEERS
jatdebeaune Premium
Grammar sounds pretty good here. Maybe it's not grammar but individual style that counts. These is good sounds like them is good crackas.
Labman_1 Premium
My OH being from the sticks has fought for years to loose her "accent" more a colloquial form of speaking. There are however a lot of them and there's in the wrong places when she get's back from visiting the sister. Dialects can be a good thing if you are targeting the correct niche. I'm thinking a NASCAR site might get away with more colloquialisms that say a site on Menopause. Write for the audience and you should be good.
mission0ps Premium
LOL xxx Init! @ Jatdebeaue
Labman ... Good point about niche & dialect there.