Kick Arse With Squidoo Backlinks

Last Update: June 13, 2012

Back in the day Squidoo was every affiliate's best buddy, backlinks galore could be had and No subject was taboo.

Then squidoo started to become a bit picky and many backed away and sought the refuge of hubpages and weebly. Some die hard squidoo fans still added the odd lens now and again and whilst they did they started to play around with new tactics for using squidoo... Nothing too "Black"

A year or so went by and almost in a startle I considered doing something that I never considered before with my Squidoo lenses...

The result was quite cool.. And now I have a little ACE I pull out when ever I fancy a boost to a website. And never let anyone tell you squidoo is dead for affiliate marketing... Read on here
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Bigman Premium
Interesting post Tony, I forgot the links in the Bio are a do-follow.
Maybe it's time for me to go back to my Squidoo
Made a lot of money from Squidoo.
Until they changed the rules and squashed my business overnight.
But I see a way of returning, bigger and better than I was before.


mission0ps Premium
Me too geez that forex product I spoke of was FapTurbo I was making a couple of sales a week ... I even ranked front page for "Fap Turbo for free " LOL

That was my very first niche .. just 5 weeks into my WA training Marcus told me I had $500 + in my account at clickbank .. I was so green I didn't even know how to check clickbank hehe - yeah the good old days of squidoo "the prequel"
slayton1s Premium
Unless I publish via SA, I back-up all my articles. I don't trust other article directories. Even PotPieGirl had her account banned 1 point in time, and had to call up Seth Godin in person. Obviously if that was you or me in Jennifer's situation, we would've lost all our articles. The only reason she was able to do that was because she had over 500 published lenses at the time & Squidoo would've lost a good amount of money in the process....

It's pretty obvious you're a big fan of Squidoo. I'm honestly experimenting with new directories & trying some new things out myself.
mission0ps Premium
I'm a fan of anything that works... If you read my blog post you'll understand why potpie had her account banned ... then had to cal the big boys...

Cheers for dropping by :)
Tinydot Premium
Great post & lens...I just learned something..very cool ...Thank You!
mission0ps Premium
All bless and cheers ... Don't forget to like it :)
jpnetco Premium
Really like your style and confidence mission0ps. Great post on your site. Thanks for the share. I look forward to hearing more from you on your case study.
mission0ps Premium
Cheers JP