Nailing It Online

Last Update: April 04, 2012

Well I see a brand new face to Wealthy Affiliate has arrived and with it I'm starting a brand new blog.

I'll be sharing what I'm doing right now that helps me in "nailing it online" at the time of posting. So you know it's gong to be fresh, not hypee & nothing to yet!  

I work mainly with Wordpress,.. So it's going to be SEO and optimisation online as well as off-line, Content Syndication and such.

I'll probably end up being a weekly basis. 

Cheers for popping by and Speak soon.

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CSmith1 Premium
Hey Tony, I look forward to seeing what you have to share, specially if it's related to WP and SEO.
mission0ps Premium
Plenty on WP & SEO Welshy I'm all over that like "that like a rash! :)
Marcus Premium
Go Tony...the future is VERY bright ;)
mission0ps Premium
Cheers Captain, I see a new channel for my content ;) I hope other willtake a look and see how we all at WA could be "Nailing It"
Carson Premium Plus
mission0ps Premium
Good and now you've read the first I'l take it as a personal if you don't comment on the rest ;)
kyle Premium Plus
Cool, that is a great idea. I am following you now and I look forward to seeing your progression! :)
mission0ps Premium
OK so this is like a challenge and a bit :0 I'm going to try and wow ya :)