New Land New Beginning ...Again!

Last Update: September 16, 2009

Yush it's been too long, and so much has happened,

Finally I know that I can do what I set out to do, 

Question is will I do it quick enough? but older and wiser I have a little more patience now. Time waits for no man but we can't shift time so I'll just keep plugging away 1 day at a time. 

 Moved to Sweden last week... long story and even a longer week. I found a great friend (even though long distance) in kevin Far that guy  goes above and beyond...

Not to mention J.K Swoops also helped me figure a couple of things out too. It's good to have folks you can rely on around the community .. Cheers guys,

 Got lots to do so I'm off

Peace >>> MissionOut

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Internetgranny Premium
Just being nosey - why did you move to Sweden? You mentioned in December, that you'd have to move to Sweden. I know you've got a lot to do and it's a long story, so I don't want to waste your time, but I just want you to know that I have read your post and am rooting for you.