Sometimes things go BAD

Last Update: August 11, 2010

I went to the Caribbean for 6 weeks for a holiday with the family and whilst there I logged onto a local internet cafe network and did a little work, I wish I hadn't as the network had a key-logger virus and logged my FTP info -  

That resulted in some goon from China deleting 61 of my websites :( I even had a site ranked on the first page of yahoo for the term  "Affiliate Marketing Training" So I am starting again from the bottom up ... such is life eh :(

Stay safe and make sure you backup all your sites  :mrgreen:

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Marcus Premium
Bounce-back-ability hard as it might seem, I know you have it in you ;)
magistudio Premium Plus
If you Google your domain and click on the cached version of the site, you can get most of your content back.
Louise M. Premium
Oh I'm sorry to hear that... Hope it won't demotivate you too much.