Corporates' Sharp Axe

Last Update: November 24, 2011


The company I work for is Corporate owned. Over the last couple weeks there have been some major shifts in staffing, they are "Right Sizing" the company, again at the headquarters and all their stores although for the last 3 quarters have been very profitable and they let us all know this. 


We have worked very hard this year and 44% net and a 104.2% customer satisfaction isn't cutting it, they now want me up towards 50% net . I will lose 1 key staff member because some pencil pusher looking at the bottom line instead of people and performance. With this person gone they will save money on wages thus increasing my net but the rest of my team and customers will suffer because of this.

My Position 

Why am I telling you guys this? Because my staff was cut down by 4 years ago and we made it work but we can't continue to work this way. I MUST focus on what I am doing here and work my ass off to get out of this daytime 7am to 5pm (if I'm lucky) job. With the help of WA I need to button down and really ramp it up because I may not have my current job for another year and I can't afford to lose the income.


I am giving myself 6 months to kill my daytime job and with the help I get here and a lot of determination I can do it. These corporately owned companies and the fat cats are just getting fatter and I cannot and will not continue to work for them whether it is on my own accord or not. I have been in the Automotive Service business for over 20 years and I can see it is now time to leave it.

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Hussien Premium
Love your post man, jimmywrex is right, the generic Make Money Online Sites don't seem to be that popular. Promoting those kinds of sites especially requires creativity in the way it's offered. Whether it's with Jimmywrex (niche experimenting) or Steve (trying and telling people about all online scams).
mmorales Premium
Thanks Hussien. Yeah, jimmywrex is on it. Creative juices are flowing now more than ever. It's amazing what what can happen when the pressure gets turned up a notch. Tons of great minds here, all are rock stars, they just need to realize it.
I Love the post I work for Staples and they are doing the same things. They really only look at the bottom line and neglect the people that matter - Their staff! I wish that Jimmywrex could just explain how to transition into that rock star!
mmorales Premium
Hi Stephen, I laid this post out without going into detail. It is worse than I care to explain here. This all comes at a time where I used what I learned here to help improve the companies online presence and in turn increase my customer base. I did this to help maintain/increase my income. Mortgage, 2 kids in college etc.
WA rocks, hmmm...there are many rock stars here...this is how I plan on transitioning into that "Rock Star". Everything we need is right here, it just depends on how badly you want it and right now, WA is singing my song..
jimmywrex Premium
Hey dude. Good post. Try to be unique in some way is the best advice I can give you. Here's the difference between an affiliate rock star and your average IMer:

The average IMer often thinks "wow, those keywords are competitive"

The rock star doesnt care about that, because they know that anyone who finds their stuff will be charmed into taking action.

Be the rock star! :)
mmorales Premium
I hear ya jimmy, anyone can be reached using keywords. Key : content has to hold their attention and keep them coming back by offering something unique and wanting more ;)
jatdebeaune Premium
You can do it! You're highly motivated. Between yourself and WA help, you're there.
mmorales Premium
Thanks Joan, you inspire me!