WA and Google Love You

Last Update: August 27, 2011

Wealthy Affiliate is an Awesome Internet Marketing site, that's why we are here, right? Internet Marketing is fun, exciting and sometimes stressful. 

With all the tools and information that Kyle and Carson have put together along with their personal assistance and the assistance of many others like Jay, Marcus and Pot Pie Girl, just to name a few...we can become successful marketers. 

In the Off Site SEO Awesomeness WAbinar, Jay talked about Google, Google wants you to be successful and provides the tools to help get you there. Here is a link to valuable information that has answered many of my questions when building a site. Google For Webmasters

Even with Google providing this information and the WA family working together, failing will happen but that's how we learn and keep going until we become successful.



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jatdebeaune Premium
Thanks Mike.