Google Slaps Me, Dances and Gives Me a Kiss!

Last Update: April 17, 2012

I was slapped hard 2 days ago after I had added some new content to one of my sites. I was sitting respectively at #8 for the site and #3 for the only article I had written as this is a new site.

I couldn't even find the site as being indexed. I looked for the site today and low and behold I am sitting at #2 with my SA article, #3 with my site home page and #4 with my blog page.

I have some other articles I am working on using keywords from Jaaxy. QSR's lower than 10. What me panic? ...almost.

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TduhT182 Premium
I was kind of planning it! there-fore I only threw a little hissy! I'm ok now though. I am appreciative of the calm and coolness of the upper echelon as I was paying close attention to the "Vets".
kyle Premium Plus
It is true that you can go from HATING Google to LOVING Google is less than 60 seconds. It happens, it really does! ;)