Good Article Ideas While on Vacation

Last Update: March 17, 2012

 While on vacation in Maui I kept running into fresh new ideas to write about. There are so many different niches that are fresh and interesting that I could literally sit here and write but I am going to wait until I get home for some of them, after all, I'm on vacation, right?

There are articles that just have be written and published right away if you want to get the most out of them. For example, I ran into a famous personality on the beach and chatted a bit. I learned some interesting facts about him and found that I could get a ton of traffic once I got this fresh article out there.

The sun is setting and I need to get some more pictures so this will be short, Aloha! 


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jatdebeaune Premium
Oh, I wish I were there too. Enjoy your vacation Mike. Look forward to reading that article when you return. Be sure to give us a link after you publish it.
mmorales Premium
Hi Joan, Maui was great. I am almost done with the article. We just got back last night and it's been a long trip to get back home.