Posts by Momof10 5
I sit here swiveling in my chair thinking to myself how I have been here for fifty days which, you are probably thinking,  is not long.  I know it's not.  Especially not compared to how long I will be able to count in a few years, but I'm still in disbelief  that I have spent so many hours learning, reading, doing, learning, reading and more doing.  Sometimes I feel like the hurrieder I go, the behinder I get.  I mean, I know I am not in a hurry and I'm probably not
 Oh my gosh, this is getting to be very overwhelming.  I always considered myself to be rather adept at multi-tasking, but this is ridiculous.  Sometimes it's not only screwing up my head but it is giving me a headache.  I am trying to get through the Action Plan, writing articles, trying to set up the blog with the Blog and Funnel system, researching keywords, editing the emails for  Aweber.  Good grief!  Having ten kids and doing that balancing act felt like
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June 28, 2010
Today is my anniversary with Wealthy Affiliate (sorta, anyway).  I joined on June 6th.  Three weeks ago, to be exact.  One of the better decisions that I have made thus far of any of my computer related experiences.   It is an incredible trip through the Internet Marketing forest where you never know what lies behind each passing tree along the trail.  But alas!  With Wealthy Affiliate University,  I don't have to worry about it.  I know I'm good to go.&nb
1 comment is Sunday and it's been a wonderful, exhilarating day.  I have accomplished so much!  I spent a lot of time reading and learning from some tutorials, I finished the ironing, had guests over for supper and I went to Sunday School and learned that I am a hormone just waiting to happen.  Yes, I know now that I can do it all! Last week I started a new Sunday School class for women.  We are studying the book of Esther with Beth Moore.  It is a fantastic journey bec
June 26, 2010
That's the way I feel today.  Today is a gift.  I spent a lot of today reading through and taking notes from some awesome tutorials and I'm loving this learning experience.  It has lit a fire in my soul that tells me I'm alive.  Just because I am loving learning.  Of course, I have read 100 times that it's not enough to just take aim; that you also have to pull the trigger.  And I will.  Maybe it will be tomorrow.  Maybe not.  I don't know.  All
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