The Gift

Last Update: June 26, 2010

That's the way I feel today.  Today is a gift.  I spent a lot of today reading through and taking notes from some awesome tutorials and I'm loving this learning experience.  It has lit a fire in my soul that tells me I'm alive.  Just because I am loving learning. 

Of course, I have read 100 times that it's not enough to just take aim; that you also have to pull the trigger.  And I will.  Maybe it will be tomorrow.  Maybe not.  I don't know.  All I am sure about at this very moment is that I am learning and I am experiencing something that I've never known about before...that's the world of Internet Marketing.

 I am using my brain and it feels great!  I am making contact with other people in this venue who are much more knowledgeable than I and yet they are letting me learn from them.  Could this be any better?  I don't think so.

That's why I feel today is a gift.  Maybe that is why it is called The Present!!!!!


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Louise M. Premium
Great! I like that mindest! I love this community and if you need any push at some point, we are here. Don't procrastinate, take action on a daily basis and apply what you learn. :)