I Am A Hormone Waiting To Happen

Last Update: June 27, 2010

So...today is Sunday and it's been a wonderful, exhilarating day.  I have accomplished so much!

 I spent a lot of time reading and learning from some tutorials, I finished the ironing, had guests over for supper and I went to Sunday School and learned that I am a hormone just waiting to happen.  Yes, I know now that I can do it all!

Last week I started a new Sunday School class for women.  We are studying the book of Esther with Beth Moore.  It is a fantastic journey because it touches so many senses at the same time.  Beth can make you laugh, cry, and have a lightbulb moment all in the same hour.  I guess it's a lot like being here.

 I spent a lot of  time today studying (and I took a lot of notes).   I can finally say with more than  a wheelbarrow full of confidence that I am ready to start with Aweber.

Bring it on baby!

I think that the autoresponder and I are going to mesh well.  I am actually looking forward to it.   I've concocted in my brain some ideas for the follow-up sequence emails.  This should be a ride to remember.

 In actuality (not just reality, to quote the smoking gun) this whole affiliate marketing experience is such a challenge to me that it would rank right up there with having all those kids. 

Hey...I loved that and I'll love this too!  Whenever I think I might be starting to stumble I think of what my fifth son always told me throughout his life; "just remember that little engine that could, Mom and keep on chugging"!

 All of you...remember the same!  You CAN do this!



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