An Awesome Three Weeks

Last Update: June 28, 2010

Today is my anniversary with Wealthy Affiliate (sorta, anyway).  I joined on June 6th.  Three weeks ago, to be exact.

 One of the better decisions that I have made thus far of any of my computer related experiences.   It is an incredible trip through the Internet Marketing forest where you never know what lies behind each passing tree along the trail.  But alas!  With Wealthy Affiliate University,  I don't have to worry about it.  I know I'm good to go.  I'm safe from  the carnies and  the scammers which seem to abound in cyberspace.  Wealthy Affiliate University isn't one of them!

 I am excited and inspired each day because of all the information that I am soaking up on this Internet Marketing beach.  If all the marketing e-books and schools available online were beaches, then Wealthy Affiliate University would have to be St. Tropez.

 I guess some of us just love being students. For instance, my daughter--the college certified PHD graduated professional who works full time as a high school teacher and yet is also going to cosmetology school during her spare time.  Ha, ha!  She doesn't hardly have any spare time.

I know that my ramblings are chocked full of run-on sentences, but there are times when I get so excited about something that my brain is going much faster than my writing skills or my knowledge of what is gramatically correct. Being a member of Wealthy Affiliate University is one of those times!

I am sure this would make my English teachers wince with chagrin, but hey, these are my thoughts and I do what I want.  No one is judging me here...that's the great thing about only being accountable to yourself!


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Jamie Smith Premium
Nice to have you in the WA family, you came to the right place.