Decisions Decisions!

Last Update: May 25, 2010

Why is it that you don't get a bus for ages then they all come at once?  Is it traffic, time of day, break downs?  I dont know, but everything has come at once.  Which is great.  I am expanding to help off line businesses online, Im getting PPC together (well as together as I can with PPC) now I have a job interview - best thing is I didnt even apply for it!  So do i go for the well paid job or continue to plot for the elusive dream getting fat on cheap food and minimum steps and even less money?  Well its choices a few months ago I would have loved to have - would have killed for (almost literally lol).    Though looking out of the window at the sunlight i wonder if i am really less of a prisoner now than when i had a full time job.  But a lot can happen in a few months.  And much in the last six weeks has led me to question the futility of destiny and the rise of fate and circumstance.  The universe is definately playing games with my mind, taking much from me, threatening to take even more yet landing opportunities in my lap in other areas.  Most of it not of my creating, and all at once!  Now where's my SMART car? lol.

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Moonstone Premium
Led?? I dont know, I do believe in the universe and attractor factor, though normally i dont do it right and get rubbish.
jatdebeaune Premium
Do you think maybe you are being led? Go with it and see what happens, investigate it. Follow your instincts.
Moonstone Premium
Still waiting! Its not parked outside