Paint Fences and give your projects more Zest

Last Update: June 25, 2010

I find that when I am creative writing time out - a walk along the beach or cliffs is as important as sitting at the computer.  Something you tend to forget when so passionate about what you are doing.  I realise now that the same applies to creating and implementing ideas for IM.  I had to paint fences at my weekend job and I found my mind churning with IM ideas, by the time I got home I was ready to delve back into my projects.  It's not like me to start at 9.45pm as Im up by 5-6.

So give your projects more zest go out and take a break.  You will get much more done.

Now where's my blog about taking my own advice! lol

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reefswimmer Premium
Painting fences reminds me of Tom Sawyer and how he got everyone else to paint his Aunt Becky's fence for him....gets me thinking about how product creators do that with affiliates...gets me thinking about....omg I need a break. Time to take a swim.
Diane, reefswimmer
klrrider Premium
Almost all my "light bulb" moments come when I am away from the computer. IM is about productivity and smaller segments of work are more productive for me that large blocks of time at the computer. Keeping a journal, planning your work then working your plan is best. I think I will go play with the puppies now! lol
jatdebeaune Premium
Makes all the difference to take a break and change your scenery. I also head for the beach and the water for soul and mind renewal. It is tempting to sit still like a log and not budge from the computer, but it's hard on your body and your mind, and it doesn't serve your productivity in the long run not to break.
Rhombus Premium
Hi, Moonstone! I agree taking a break periodically is great, and so is doing something totally different from one's regular employment. I seem to work and do most activities in 4-hour segments. If I can put an hour break between the segments, then I seem to get more done and I feel more rested overall. - Rick