Really struggling to write that article

Last Update: August 14, 2010

Agggrh!  I feel as though if I look at another article I will go crazy.  I have article blow out, crash and wipe out!!! Sigh.  Cant even escape as cant go anywhere out of the house.

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magistudio Premium Plus
Try recording yourself talking about the article you want to write and then listen to what you said - works for me all the time. I'll even record it via webcam so I get my facial emotions involved.
jatdebeaune Premium
I think you ought to take a day off and watch old movies. I did. Just watched a bunch of old Jeanne Tierney movies. It was great! She was wonderful at being demented, but very beautiful.
DABK Premium
Start working on another campaign, in an unrelated niche.
Or give up. I gave up some. But it wasn't writer's block: my stomach was turning every time I saw my product.

Or, like the shoe people say, just do it. Write crap. If you write long enough, there'll be something you can use.
iFaith Premium
Hi Moonstone. I know the feeling. Head wants to explode and it feels like I'm writing in a totally new language - the words seem to be going out of my brain and not meshing together. Writer's block happens. Take a break and do something totally unrelated where you are. Get back to it after a time when you feel ready. When you start writing again - Do an outline first of your main ideas and just let the words come out as you write beneath those main points. Even if they don't mean much, just write along - this will can lead you out of your stuck zone eventually. Also, if I really don't want to write or I'm just staring at the screen, I write on paper, draw or just doodle away. If that doesn't work, then I go to EZA or other article directory with like same articles that I'm trying to write about and just read through - this eventually gives me ideas on how I want my article to be like and the fog dissipates after awhile. Good luck and take care!