Taking a Leaf From PotPieGirls Book

Last Update: June 26, 2010

PotPieGirl has some great advice for people.  But I've noticed something that she does that a lot of people either can't or don't do.  As with the.com v.net v.org argument and the issue with tags in Squidoo, we all discuss it and try and think about what Google wants.  PPG doesnt do this, she sets up a whole experiment to see what Google ACTUALLY wants and does.  Then posts the results.  Thanks PPG.

I'm not so advanced, but rather than setting up my lenses the best I can using the SOE techniques and watching them do X amount of traffic.  I am using my new MS tool to re analyse the old lenses and see what traffic they should be getting!  And if they are not getting what they should revamping them to see if it makes a difference.  (ive done that beofre, but neve rwith such certainty that this is what they should be doing)  If it does, then I will be applying this to my other lenses and new WP blogs too.  Not quite so in dpeth as PPG but a start to using what I know but also experimenting with it a bit.  There might be an 80/20 rule but there is no reason the whole 100% of traffic cant increase.  I know its not just about traffic, so it is targeted traffic I'm aiming for.  And also ranking.  So I've taken a lens that is years old and ignored at 36000 overall and 50 per week traffic for eternity and I'm seeing what can be done.  Apparently it has potential on one keyword to reach about 200 per day. Tried to get it higher b4 and didn't succeed so we will see.   Lots of great comments from previous posts say content, content CONTENT.  Sigh, well I lapse on that especially squidoo.  So these comments have made it really hit home GREAT CONTENT = TRAFFIC. (optimised of course).  Thanks Guys!!!!

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cld111 Premium
I think that's a great idea to go back through your old stuff and try to get it ranking higher. That's something I want to do too...eventually! :)
moonvine Premium
I have been revamping some old lenses with better keywords and content, too. I think the older ones carry some authority with Google just based on their age. I hope so anyway.
jatdebeaune Premium
The best advice anyone has given me is "it's a numbers game". It rang true.