Is sitting on a red chair all day exciting?

Last Update: June 21, 2010

Yep!  You bet it is.  Ever since I got my new research tools the internet's my oyster.  I'm so excited about this business and where I can take it.  The only problem is which oyster to eat first!  Everything's turned on it's head, I now love research, but I'm churning out data like well - Data (from star trek).

There are so many exciting subjects to choose from.  I can't work fast enough.

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cld111 Premium
I also love working at Barnes & Noble. They have comfy chairs AND coffee! But anyway, yes, I know what you mean! There are so many directions you can turn in this business. It can be pretty exciting!
Garage667 Premium
Sitting on this chair seems more exciting to me than having the boss on the top of my head screaming in my ears all day,doesn't it?I agree with DABK,coffee houses are always inspiring to work on. :)
DABK Premium
Ah, you've joined my club.
You know, this im thing can be done at your favorite coffee house too. They've got sturdy, uncomfortable chairs at mine, but it still rocks!
jatdebeaune Premium
Sounds good to me. Keep churning out data! You have a banquet.
Jamie Smith Premium
Nice 1, I sit in a red chair on my laptop all day too