Taking my own advice!

Last Update: June 17, 2010

I'm always saying to people to stay focused and stick to one thing.  But its so hard to do.  There's new things all the time, new ideas for projects, new types of marketing, new tool etc.  I just don't know where to start first.  I've spent several days learning my new tool.  Want to set up a website with e-commerce, but don't know how to attach affiliates to the products (sigh).  I have new Squid projects.

I'm just so revved up at the moment and raring to go.

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jatdebeaune Premium
Moonstone, What are you using to set up the websites? There should be instructions on how to add pages and affiliate links. It's not difficult. Just copy and paste. Happy to help if I can. Meanwhile, I know what you mean about all the distractions. I have saved so much information on my computer, that I go back to read it, and totally forgot about when or why I saved it, and I ordinarily have a memory like a mouse trap. Yikes!
ana_nimoss Premium
You have so many inspiring blogs. I appreciate them (I do read them). So, yeah, take your own advice! and you will do great! Thanks for the wonderful posts.