Yipes keyword tool confusion

Last Update: June 10, 2010

I popped this on the forum but havent had any replies, I was hopping my buddies might be able to help.  I thought I knew how todo this, but I'm in an extremely competitive market so doing the usual searchesisn't enough. Normally I type in the keyword/s into the box and work from thereand its usually a US search. But the long tailed keywords are coming up withsearches of often 50,000-150,000+ Please can someone clarify the following
I am searching within the Advanced options -Locations:United KingdomLanguages:English

It says that the Global search "Theapproximate 12-month average of user queries for the keyword on Google.co.uk and theGoogle Search Network. This data is specific to your Keyword Match Typeselection"
"If you specified a country or language foryour search, this is the approximate 12-month average number of user queriesfor the keyword for those countries and languages. It isspecific to your Keyword Match Type selection."

So if I am searching in google.co.uk and thecountry is UK why are the global and local searches different? I couldunderstand it if i were searching the US from the UK, but the two locations arethe same, or are they not?
I then go onto google chrome, which takes me togoogle.com. Should I stick with this or go to Google.co.uk which reduces thesearch or isnt this an accurate result?
Then if you put in the pages from the UK (whilston google.co.uk) the result is further reduced. :? 

Which is the best result to take as a guide tocompetative here please? :? Asnormally I only have to put the search in quotes to get a good result this timethey are way too high to use. Am I getting a low score by doing this that wonttransfer to traffic?

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Moonstone Premium
Thanks to eveyrone for their comments
DABK Premium
Go with local searches. Even if you have keywords with lot of searches, sometimes you get lucky and your competitors haven't properly optimized their page. Check what the top site is doing, if you want to be #1. Page rank, number of backlinks, keyword in title, in anchor... There are tools that do that for you, there are tools that give them a score...
It's not important how many sites are competing but how strong they are. I gave this example a few days ago: would you fight Bruce Lee or 20,000 6-month old babies?
klrrider Premium
If you are article marketing 10,000 or less for INTITLE: results would be best. Can't speak for PPC.
klrrider Premium
I would think that a "Global" search would give global results no mater what google search platform you use. In your example you live in UK you would still need to be able to access global results even if you are using google.co.uk.Then "local" search would be relevant to your actual location and the locations you picked. Carson's recent "Oyster and Beach" scenario in his current blog addresses some of this.If I wanted UK I would just pick UK.