Do You Have A List Yet?

Last Update: July 23, 2010

I see many successful Internet Marketers say they wish they would've built a list sooner, even Kyle himself said so on the WA Blog post "The Pearl" he made a list of his biggest failures in IM and one of them was that he did not start email marketing earlier. Oh and the other day I read PPG's advice to someone on the forum, she said, "BUILD THAT LIST"

I've been a member here over a year now but just started taking it seriously a few months ago and I find myself saying, "Gosh, why didn't I do this last year?" I spent so much time just reading and looking at other make money products(and sometimes also buying)

Well a year from now I don't want to say "Gosh, why didnt' I start email marketing last year?"  So I'm starting now, before I go and write hundreds of articles.

A couple of days ago I went over to EzineArticles to try and see what my competition was doing regarding email marketing, to see what they were offering and OH MY LORD!!!!!!   I went through so many articles in my niche and most are NOT building a list, I only found 3 people and these were the owners of the ebook they were promoting so that doesn' t really count.

I'm sure there has to be some affiliates that are building a list in this niche but I got tired of searching. I was in shock that some people had hundreds, even thousands of articles and not building a list. What the heck?

Lets not throw away money like that, if you haven't started building a list yet, DO IT! There are great resources here in WA that will teach you how to get started. 


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If you want to know how a list is built the funnel system for the MAD Marketing Method here is a super example. Offer a free valuable report or digital product and ask for the E mail to send it to. Set up a chain of follow up E mails in Aweber Or other auto responder and you are in business. These E mails should promote products of interest to people who would like the free gift. It is that simple, but also hard to optimize correctly!
Jamie Smith Premium
I agree 100%, email marketing is about building and strengthening relationships. It is such a great way to provide value and trust around the world.
Louise M. Premium
You said it! Building a list is SO important! But don't forget that the money is not in the list, it's in the relationship with the list. Better have few subscribers that are potential buyers than a ton of subscribers who will never buy a thing. :)